Abuse in the NFL and the Public: a few thoughts…

As I relax and get ready for a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, I’m going through Facebook and my news feeds, and finding myself thinking in a few different, yet equal, directions.  This seems to be true of the NFL today, albeit in a different, uncool manner:  some situations in the last couple of weeks which has become thoroughly disgusting, yet warrants a lot of discussion.  I’m not going to judge these players anymore than I already have – I think it’s more appropriate for the legal system, as well as their job, to decide that.  (For the record, you can safely say that I’m all for the firing of Roger Goodall, whose lack of caring about the players, their families, and the public perception of football and the NFL leaves him unfit to lead a mouse circus, let alone one of the largest sports industries in the world.)  Read on for my thoughts.

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